Reseller Branding

Reseller Branding

Customize the appearance of your PayTrace Virtual Terminal using the Modify Design page. Your design settings will be visible to all user profiles in your PayTrace account and will remain in place until you modify them again.

How to Use This Page


  1. Click Choose File to Upload a logo to use in the Header.

  2. Select any color swatches to change the appropriate background, foreground, font, and banner colors.

  3. Click the Save button to save changes. 

  4. Preview to preview your changes before saving.

  5. Reset Design to return to the default.

Changes take effect immediately.The Virtual Terminal design may be restored to the default design by clicking on the Restore Defaultbutton.

Detailed Help


Would you like to upload your logo to display in the header?

Upload an image to be displayed in the header of your interface.

Logo image must be less than 750 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall.

Remove Logo

Remove your logo from the header of your interface.

Required Fields

The red * asterisk denotes whether a field is required.

Display Banner Image

Select 'Yes' (default setting) to display the banner image or 'No' to hide it.

Header Text

Must be in HTML format.

Footer Text

Must be in HTML format.

Need more help?

Our support team will be happy to assist you.

If you are unsure where to go, try the search bar on the top right of any page.

If you cannot find the documentation you are looking for, please let our support team know so we can continue to improve this documentation.


If you have questions - please contact support@paytrace.com