Updating Forms of Payment
Adding a New Form of Payment
Use the Image below and the corresponding numbers to guide you.
From the Sales Menu.
Select Customers.
Access the Customer Card you want to edit.
Select the Authorization and Payments option within the menu.
Select the Customer Credit Card option in the top left navigation menu.
Fill in the CC Number, Expiration Month, Year, and Security Code.
To Finalize, select the Add Card button.
You should then see the new card details appear in the table underneath the credit card form.
Updating a Form of Payment
Access the Customer Card you want to edit.
Select the Authorization and Payments option within the menu.
Select the Customer Credit Card option in the top left navigation menu.
Fill in the CC Number, Expiration Month, Year, and Security Code.
To Finalize, select the Update Card button.
You should then see the card details appear in the table underneath the credit card form.
Deleting a Form of Payment
Use the Image below and the corresponding numbers to guide you.
Access the Customer Card you want to edit.
Select the Authorization and Payments option within the menu.
Select the Customer Credit Card option in the top left navigation menu.
Select the three-dot more menu in the payment table under the Masked CC/ACH section.
Select Delete Payment Method and confirm to complete deletion.
You should see the payment you deleted removed from the table underneath the credit card form.
Need more help?
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