Quick Reference Guide (QRG)

Quick Reference Guide (QRG)

Card Present Transaction

  1. Click on Swipe Card from the Virtual Terminal Menu.

    1. Swipe the card through the magnetic card reader connected to your internet-capable device.

  2. Click Process.

  3. Verify that the truncated card number, customer name, and expiration date in PayTrace match the information on the customer’s card.

  4. Select the transaction type.

  5. Enter the transaction amount (including the decimal point).

  6. Enter any optional information that may enhance the transaction reporting (e.g., Invoice, Billing Address, Email Address, and Description).

  7. Click Process and confirm that you want to process this transaction.

  8. Once the transaction has been processed, you will be taken to an "Approval" or "Declined" response page.

  9. You may now view the printable receipt or invoice, save the customer’s information, and/or email a receipt to your email address and your customer’s email address.

For more information on Decline or Error codes, see Card Error/Decline Codes Explained


  1. Click on EMV from Dashboard.

  2. Dip the card and click process.

  3. Enter the Amount and any other transaction information and click process.

  4. Once the transaction has been processed, you will be taken to an "Approval" or "Declined" response page.

  5. You may now view the printable receipt or invoice, save the customer’s information, and/or email a receipt to your email address and your customer’s email address.

Card Not Present Transaction

  1. Click on Key Enter Card from the Virtual Terminal Menu.

  2. If the transaction is to be processed on an existing customer’s profile, select the customer profile and click the Select button.

  3. Select the transaction type.

  4. Enter the transaction amount (including the decimal point).

  5. If the transaction is not being processed on an existing customer’s profile, enter the customer’s card number and expiration date.

  6. Enter any other optional information that may enhance the transaction reporting (e.g., Invoice, Billing Address, Email Address, and Description).

  7. Click the Process button and confirm that you want to process this transaction.

  8. Once the transaction has been processed, confirm the authorization response.

  9. You now have the ability to access a printable receipt or invoice and edit the customer's information. Furthermore, you can choose to send a receipt to both your email and the customer's email address.

Viewing Reports/Receipts

  1. Click on View Transactions from the Virtual Terminal Menu.

  2. Select the appropriate search criteria (e.g., Transaction Type, Customer Profile, User Account, AVS Response, CSC Response, etc.).

  3. Select the start and end dates and click on the Search button.

  4. The report will load in a fixed-size frame. Click the View Printable Results link to load the report in a new window.

  5. Click on the ID link of any transaction to see the printable details of the transaction.

  6. Click on the Receipt link of any transaction to view the transaction's printable receipt.

  7. Click the Download Results link to download the transaction report into a spreadsheet.

Void a Transaction

  1. Click on Void Transactions from the Virtual Terminal Menu.

  2. Select the start and end dates of transactions you want to void and click the Search button; usually, Voids are for "same day" transactions.

  3. Select the transaction you want to void by checking the corresponding check box.

  4. Click the Process button and click to verify that you want to process the void(s).

Refund a Transaction

  1. Click on Refund Transactions from the Virtual Terminal Menu.

  2. Select the start and end dates of transactions you want to refund and click the Search button.

  3. Select the transaction you want to refund by checking the corresponding check box.

  4. Enter the refund amount if the refund amount is different than the original transaction amount.

  5. Click the Process button and click to verify that you want to process the refund(s).

Capture a Transaction

  1. Click on Capture Transactions from the Virtual Terminal Menu.

  2. Select the start and end dates of transactions you want to capture and click the Search button.

  3. Select the transaction you want to capture by checking the corresponding check box.

  4. Click the Process button and click to verify that you want to process the capture(s).

Settle Transactions

This functionality is only available to PayTrace Professional accounts and merchants whose processing account is set up on a Terminal Data Capture processing network. This link will not appear for merchants on other processing networks.

PayTrace will automatically settle all pending transactions at 8:00 pm Pacific Time. Batch reports are emailed to all merchants for every settled batch. However, if you wish to settle transactions manually, then follow these instructions.

  1. Click on Settle Transactions from the Virtual Terminal Menu.

  2. Verify that all the transactions listed in the view are ready to settle.

  3. If there are any transactions you would like not to settle, follow the instructions on how to Void Transactions.

  4. Click on the Settle button and click to verify that the transactions should be settled.

  5. A batch report will be sent to the email address(es) assigned to your PayTrace account.

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