Multiple Transactions

Multiple Transactions

Your PayTrace Virtual Terminal allows you to process transactions for existing customers simultaneously.

How to Use This Page

Multiple Transaction page example
  1. From the Virtual Terminal Menu.

  2. Select the Multiple Transactions link.

    1. The page loads with a list of stored customer profiles in order of Customer ID.

    2. Each customer loaded here has a place to input:

      1. Transaction Amount
        If the transaction amount is greater than $0.00, then a transaction will be generated for the customer. Each transaction will take 3 to 6 seconds to process.

      2. Transaction Type
        (Sale, Auth Only, Str/Fwd, Csh/Chk)

      3. Invoice Number

      4. Credit Card CSC

      5. Email
        If PayTrace should email the customer and the merchant a receipt. If you email the receipt, a copy will be sent to the customer's email address, to the Admin and Optional email addresses on the PayTrace account, and to any email address set up on the account to receive Virtual Terminal Receipts.

  3. After completing each customer transaction, click on the Process button. Each transaction will generate a response from the credit card issuer.

If your customer’s credit card is recognized as a business card, then you will be prompted for a customer reference ID and the tax amount of the transaction.

Detailed Help


Customer Profile

Selecting the customer ID number will open the Edit Customer Profile page.

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