Refund Checks
The Refund a Check page enables you to Refund checks that have been settled.
If you wish to process checks and you are not already signed up for this feature, please contact your Merchant Service Provider or PayTrace Support at
How to Use This Page
Select the Refund Check link from the Checks menu.
Specify a date range for the check(s) you want to refund.
Specify any searchable text.
Select Search.
Select the checks you want to refund.
Select Process.
Detailed Help
Check ID link
Redirects you to the Transaction Details page.
Name link
Opens the Edit Customer page.
Would you like to refund other transactions?
Redirects you back to the Refund Checks page
.…you may void them before they are settled.
Redirects you to the Manage Checks page.
Need more help?
Our support team will be happy to assist you.
If you are unsure where to go, try the search bar on the top right of any page.
If you cannot find the documentation you are looking for, please let our support team know so we can continue to improve this documentation.
If you have questions - please contact