Add Level 3 Data
Level III data is additional information about a transaction, such as tax, discount, and product details. If you add Level III data to a transaction, Visa and MasterCard will generally charge lower processing rates, and you and your customers will have access to more detailed reporting. You can add Level III data to any Visa or MasterCard sale waiting for settlement.
It is recommended to add Level III Data to transactions that have a reason code wrapped in * * such as Visa Purchasing. Transactions wrapped in ( ), such as (Visa Business), should have Level II data added to them. Transactions in this font color require more information to qualify.
How to Use This Page
Select Add Level 3 Data from the Virtual Terminal menu.
Detailed Help
Would you like to specify defaults for your Visa Level 3 Data?
Where defaults can be set for VISA Level 3 Data.
Would you like to specify defaults for your Mastercard Level 3 Data?
Where defaults can be set for MasterCard Level 3 Data.
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